Wikilatief - Emotion is a normal human expression of things that happen in his life. For example, when you're happy when you get a gift, get annoyed when you're stuck in traffic, or feel sad about losing someone you love.
These various emotions that you feel will affect your actions. If you are feeling positive emotions, then the actions that follow will also be positive, on the contrary, negative emotions will tend to make you behave negatively anyway.
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It is also possible that you feel the negative effects of such emotions as stress, high blood pressure, heart attack, sleep disorders, stroke, or respiratory disorders (asthma).
The good news is, you can control your own emotions. The seven ways below will help you do it.
1. Calm Down
From the perspective of angry management, anger can be seen as an aggression cycle consisting of escalation, explosive, and post-explosive.
Therefore, when you are angry, calm down so that your cycle of aggression falls apart. With a calm mind, you can think logically and look for solutions.
To calm down, you can do the following:
- Take a deep breath – When breathing, focus your mind on the breath that goes into your nose or imagine a beautiful sight. Do it over and over again so you can lower your emotions little by little.
- Calculate 1 to 10 – In your heart, count from one to ten slowly to relieve emotions. If necessary, do it several times.
- Distract – You can turn your attention to other things like watching TV or going to the toilet.
Give yourself time to be alone away from others and go somewhere. By being alone, you can think things out more clearly.
So sit back and take a breath, then find a solution to solve the problem that makes you angry.
2. Empathize
Angry triggers are sometimes trivial. To avoid this trivial problem being great, empathize. Empathy is a mental state that makes you feel the state or mind of others.
Go back to the example of the rider who overtook you, put it to him. Maybe he's in a hurry or his character is already. By empathizing, you will not issue swearing and the name of the animal.
Another example, if your wife is angry, put it to her. It's possible that she achieved cooking, cleaning the house, and taking care of the child so that her mental state was unstable.
You might find it a little difficult to empathize with this because you feel superior. However, strengthen it because your goal is to dampen anger.
3. Given the Negative Impacts That Will Occur
Overflowing emotions usually make the concerned darken the eyes. If that's the case, he'll hit, yell, scold, or damage existing items.
Well, to avoid this state, keep in mind the negative impacts that will occur if you can't fight emotions.
For example, you had a great fight with your wife. When anger will explode (e.g. you will hit), remember the negative impact that will occur such as your wife will bruise her face, in-laws hate you, or you report your wife to the police for domestic violence.
4. Consider Your Last Day Alive
If you still have difficulty controlling emotions, consider the day when you are angry is the last day of your life.
By assuming that way, your emotions will subside by themselves because you want to die by bringing good, not carrying emotions.
5. Forgive and Forget
You often bring up old problems so that your emotions overflow again? From now on, forgive those who have given you problems (e.g. hurting, lying, demeaning, or discrediting you) and forget about it.
By forgiving and forgetting, I can focus on important things that have a positive impact on my life. In addition, I also avoided revenge.
6. Exercise and Do Muscle Relaxation
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Another way you can overcome emotions is to exercise such as walking, playing football, running, or swimming.
Whatever the type, exercise can stimulate chemicals in the brain that make you more relaxed and happy.
In addition, exercise will drain your energy positively thus flexing your nervous tension.
In addition to exercising, other ways of controlling emotions can be done with muscle relaxation.
Stretch the various muscle groups on the body and loosen slowly by exhaling.
Moving the neck and shaking the shoulders are some examples of movements that can be made to help control emotions. No equipment is required, just do a few moves.
7. Find Soothing Words or Phrases
A word or phrase can be one way of controlling emotions. Look for words or phrases that calm you down and refocus.
Repeat those words when you are angry. "Relax", "take it easy", and "you'll be fine" are some good examples.
8. Listen to Music
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Listening to music can be one way of controlling emotions. Listen to your favorite music that keeps you calm.
Use earphones or go somewhere quiet, play your favorite songs, and listen. Let the music take away your emotions and make you feel calmer.
9. Try Something Different and Do Hobbies
You feel your emotions are out-of-order? Relax, instead of thinking about what's causing your emotions, you'd rather be involved with a hobby.
By carrying out activities that make you happy, you will get positive emotions in your life. If you do the things you love, then you'll feel better
Transfer your excess emotions to new things you love. If you've never camped, for example, maybe this is a good time to sleep under the stars and 'communicate' with nature. Immediately decide what adventure you want to take.
Carrying out activities that make you happy can create positive emotions in your daily life. Working on hobbies that you like makes you feel relaxed.
10. Don't Talk
Sometimes, not talking can be an effective way of controlling emotions. If you want to get angry, hold on and stop talking.
Shut your mouth and don't let a single word come out of your mouth. This silent time will make you think back to anger and help assuage anger.
11. Take a Break from Activities
When you're angry, try to pause and think about what you want to do and say. By pausing and thinking, you can think about possible responses to the words or deeds you are about to do.
Can those actions and words hurt others or improve things? If so, think about cancelling it and don't do it.
12. Write Down Your Concerns
Writing down negative emotions on paper can give you some new perspective on what you're going through.
Give yourself a chance for a few days to make a complete list. After that, solve the problems one by one to reduce the worries you are experiencing.
13. Tell Others
Health includes the physical and spiritual such as having a healthy body as well as a good emotional.
But often times you experience negative emotions when you feel disappointed Well, you should know how to control the emotions that will make you feel better.
Pouring out your heart or problems with others can help you overcome your emotions.
Complaining and laughing together can help get rid of the sense of emotion that is in your mind. Then you will feel more calm and relieved.
Emotion is part of the feeling that every human being has and a natural reaction to a person over an event.
Unfortunately many people tend to assume that emotions are more of a bad or negative nature. Therefore, to relieve emotions by being patient and trying to divert them to activities.
Look for activities or hobbies that can make emotions subside such as painting, playing musical instruments and so on that can hone your talents.
At least working on a hobby that you like doesn't have to overflow it by scolding others and making you feel more relaxed.
14. Counseling
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Sometimes, you need someone else's perspective before taking an action or to better understand yourself.
You can do counseling with a therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist so that your excessive anger can be resolved.
Emotions must be controlled so as not to negatively impact themselves or others. Try you do the 7 ways above.
Don't be surprised if you have trouble applying it because controlling emotions takes time and practice. Try it continuously so you get an effective way of controlling your emotions.
Feeling sad, disappointed, or angry is normal. However, if you don't know how to control your emotions, it can be harmful to yourself and even others.
Negative emotional expressions can even harm work relationships, friendships, and self-health.
Therefore, it is important that you know how to control your emotions or how to express them appropriately.